

Offshore operators have discovered the usefulness of HF radar for measuring currents and waves. The data are valuable for planning and operation of offshore activities and installations like wind-farms or oil rigs and pipe lines at ranges more than 250 km offshore.

For the planning phase, the renewable energy sector can measure wave energy resource potential and estimate the efficiency of the proposed equipment as well as stresses caused by currents and waves. Moreover, the data can be used to estimate the influence of the ocean environment on maritime assets.

Recommended Hardware Configurations 

for Offshore Operators

WERA for long ranges >300km
ITU frequencies band 4.4, 5.2 and 9.3MHz


  • Current measurements for ranges up to 300km
  • Wave measurements of Hs >1m for ranges of up to 100km
  • Perfectly suited for long range current measurements
  • Typical range resolution of 3km
  • The quality checked data from a single station can be used for assimilation into models
Suitable for Tsunami detection

WERA Long Range

[requires email for download]

WERA for short & medium ranges
ITU bands 13.5, 16.1, 24.5 and 26.3MHz


  • Perfectly suited for high resolution current measurements up to 110km
  • Wave measurements for Hs >0.5m for ranges of up to 50km
  • Typical range resolution of 1 to 1.5km
  • The quality checked data from a single station can be used for assimilation into models
Best suited for Tsunami detection
  • Small antennas and short array support mobile applications

WERA Medium Range

[requires email for download]

Helzel OTHR for ship detection and tracking


  • Vessel tracking up to 200 nautical miles to protect the EEZ
  • Multi frequency options enhancing the probability of detection
  • Frequency management incl. frequency hopping
MIMO options to get high resolution with shorter arrays
  • Multi sensor tracker implemented at site
Suspicious target identification

Note: this is a selection of our product range. To view more details, click on one of the product cards above.

If you want to get an overview on more of our product configurations, see Radar-Systems/ Overview instead.

Roberto Gomez, President
+49 4191 95200

Are you interested in a special configuration of radar systems?

We will find the best solution for your specific needs. Just give us a call or contact me via email We will assist you with our qualified team of experts.