Solutions & Services //
Oceanographic Data
Our WERA Data Viewer allows easy access to real time data maps, time series and archived data. For scientific users this is the perfect tool to generate animated current or wave maps for presentations or plots of time series for individual grid cells. All data can be exported in various data formats including NetCDF and GRIB. All data are quality checked in real time and the user can select which quality level you want to be displayed.
For harbour or vessel management applications the feature Ocean Warnings is helpful to indicate if in particular areas a predefined threshold of current velocity or wave height is reached.
Maps of Ocean Surface Currents and Siginificant Wave Height
Time series for individual grid cells.
Generation of ocean alerts with programmable thresholds for current & waves Access to data archive and various options for data export.
Hazard Management
The ocean current data can be used to increase the reliability of drift predictions for environmental protection applications and for Search and Rescue (SAR). For SAR the drift of lost people or drifting boats can be predicted. For environmental protection the drift of oil spill or lost containers can be predicted and in the hindcast mode the location of the source for a pollution can be estimated.
Tsunami Warning
An approaching Tsunami wave generates a specific current signature at the ocean surface. This Tsunami signature is moving rapidly in the deep ocean but slows down to a detectable velocity on the continental shelf. WERA array type systems are sensitive enough to detect even small Tsunami events far offshore.
The Tsunami Probability is displayed as map and as time series to support the decision making process at the national Tsunami Early Warning centre. The data are updated 2 times per minute and detection range reaches out to the continental shelf edge.
Ship Detection and Tracking
Our OTHR systems provide longest detection ranges at low transmit power due to the low noise FMCW operation mode. The detection range depends on operating frequency, day and night cycle, target size and environmental conditions. OTHR systems are typically configured for dual frequency operation. The multi-sensor tracker software and suspicious target identification are available as well as various features to enhance the range and probability of detection.

Solutions for System Integrators
We offer our WERA and OTHR systems for system integrators in various versions. It is possible to use our hardware or software modules as part of your system with your branding. Please contact our management to check out the opportunities for a cooperation.
End-to-End Services
- Financing support in form of attractive leasing options
- Conceptual planning to optimize the specific system configuration
- Site planning support to find suitable locations for the installation
- Support to obtain the required permits for installation and operation
- Training of all involved partners for the system integration
- Preparation of required infrastructure with the support of local partners
- Installation and calibration of systems
- Optimization of data management according to user requirements
- Integration into existing data management systems
- Data interpretation support, preparing of reports and analysis
- Operational support, preventive maintenance
- Service contracts including spare part pool

Thomas Helzel, Shareholder
+49 4191 95200
Are you interested in a special configuration ...
... of radar systems? We will be here to help you. If you like, just let's have a call or contact me via email to see if we can help to find a solution to your specific needs.