ocean surface current velocity

Ocean Current Velocity

Our ocean radar systems “WERA” provide ocean surface current velocity, with high spatial and temporal resolution, quality checked in real time.

The HF Radar Experts

HELZEL has been a leader in the field of HF surface wave radar systems for more than 25 years. These shore-based radar systems provide reliable data over long ranges with a very high data accuracy and availability.


ocean surface current velocity

Ocean Wave Data

Our ocean radar systems “WERA” provide ocean wave data on the grid, with high spatial and temporal resolution, quality checked in real time.

The HF-Radar Experts

HELZEL has been a leader in the field of HF surface wave radar systems for more than 25 years. These shore-based radar systems provide reliable data over long ranges with a very high data accuracy and availability.


ocean surface current velocity

Tsunami Detection

The high temporal resolution and high sensitivity of our ocean radar systems “WERA” makes it a perfect sensor for Tsunami detection.

The HF-Radar Experts

HELZEL has been a leader in the field of HF surface wave radar systems for more than 25 years. These shore-based radar systems provide reliable data over long ranges with a very high data accuracy and availability.


ocean surface current velocity

Ship Tracking

Our ship tracking radar systems “OTHR” provide ranges of 200 NM with high probability of detection and best costs to performance ratio.

The HF-Radar Experts

HELZEL has been a leader in the field of HF surface wave radar systems for more than 25 years. These shore-based radar systems provide reliable data over long ranges with a very high data accuracy and availability.


  The high precision HF radar are dual-use systems, WERA is suitable for various oceanographic and MetOcean applications
and the OTHR system is designed for coastal surveillance applications like ship detection and tracking.

Helzel Messtechnik was awarded by the European Defence Fund (EDF)  2021 for the project iFURTHER. Please read press release and project details:



Ocean Radar Systems are suited for surveillance applications of off-shore Infrastructure. Please read Helzel Messtechnik Press Release:

Pressrelease-Protection _Offshore_Infrastructure

New WERA Systems for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management Netherlands – Rijkswaterstaat.

Please read Press Release:

Pressrelease-Protection _RWS_231219

International Radiowave Oceanography Workshop (ROW) hosted at the University of Plymouth Marine Station, Plymouth, UK, on 3–5 September 2024



Our ocean radar WERA is highly flexible and can be configured for the specific requirements in coastal research: The measurements have high spatial and temporal resolution of surface currents, wave parameters and wind direction. The data are available as maps of ocean surface currents or wave height and time series for selectable points … [more]


The MetOcean information derived from the ocean radar data can be integrated into existing forecasting systems. Met-Offices are benefiting from these real time observations of ocean currents and sea state and can use such data to improve regional forecasts of the ocean weather by assimilation of these data into their numerical models. For this … [more]

Ship Tracking


The high-frequency over-the-horizon radar OTHR technology is well suited to protect the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The unique beam-forming software of our OTHR system is the key component for the ship detection and tracking application to identify fishing pirates or smugglers far behind the horizon. The low-noise non-interrupted … [more]



HF ocean radar data can enhance the information for vessel traffic management. Dangerous currents in shipping channels can be identified and even short term forecasts can be provided to improve the safety of navigation in particular at harbour entrances. These shore based radar systems offer highest  reliability and very high data availability … more]

& Rescue

The real time observations by HF-radar can contribute to get more reliable information on ocean surface currents and waves to support Search and Rescue. The quality checked real time data can be assimilated into hydrodynamic models and existing prediction systems. This improves the reliability of the drift prediction[more]


Accurate marine forecasts will contribute to a better disaster preparedness and hazard mitigation both at sea and along coastal communities. Public authorities will profit from the real time data and the derived short term forecasts. For time sensitive applications such as Tsunami Detection this robust on-shore … [more]


Offshore operators have discovered the usefulness of HF radar for measuring currents and waves. The data are valuable for planning and operation of offshore activities and installations like wind-farms or oil rigs and pipe lines at ranges more than 250 km offshore. For the planning phase, the renewable energy sector  … [more]


The HELZEL-OTHR and WERA HF radar technology can be used for a variety of oceanographic and coastal surveillance applications. System Integrators have the advantage to be able to offer one tool for different applications by using the HELZEL radar units in combination with their own system components or software[more]

🇬🇧 / 🇺🇸  About us

🇩🇪  Über uns

HELZEL Messtechnik GmbH was founded in 1995 by Thomas Helzel and Matthias Kniephoff, who are both engineers with core competencies in HF technique and signal processing. In the beginning the company engaged in various industrial and medical applications while today HF radar systems are the main product. The first commercial ocean radar WERA was produced in 2000 and due to the reliable high-quality of its output data, WERA enjoys a unique reputation as a leading remote ocean sensing system with more than 150 HELZEL radar systems installed world-wide.

HELZEL is embedded in a network of small and medium size companies (the Maritime Cluster) and cooperating with various research institutes world wide. These strong commercial and scientific partners together with our highly motivated team build the backbone of our company.

HELZEL Messtechnik GmbH wurde 1995 von Thomas Helzel und Matthias Kniephoff gegründet, deren Kernkompetenzen in den Bereichen Hochfrequenztechnik und Signalverarbeitung liegen. Zunächst wurde diese Expertise für verschiedene Anwendungen aus der Industrie und Medizintechnik genutzt. Inzwischen konzentriert sich das Kerngeschäft auf das Ozean-Radar System WERA, produziert seit 2000. Durch die hohe Qualität der Analysedaten genießt WERA mittlerweile einen einzigartigen Ruf als führendes System im Bereich der Ozean-Radare und ist weltweit mehr als 150 mal im Einsatz.

Die HELZEL Messtechnik ist eingebunden in ein Netzwerk von kleinen und Mittelständischen Unternehmen, dem Maritimen Cluster Schleswig-Holstein und zusätzlich bestehen intensive Kontakte zu Forschungsinstituten weltweit. Diese starken kommerziellen und wissenschaftlichen Partnerschaften bilden zusammen mit unserem hoch motivierten Team das Rückgrat unserer Firma.